Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord someplace

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(anywhere; somewhere; anyplace)
(somewhere; to some place; anywhere; anyplace)
ergens heen
(field; site; locale); ;
🔗 You wouldn’t like the place.
(locate; position; set);
(lay down; put; set);
🔗 It has placed the heads of it victims on spikes in cities it has captured and posted videos of savage executions on‐line.
(attach; put onto; add; append; apply; assign; paste);
(stead; spot; locality; site); ; ;
🔗 I examined the place.
🔗 The escalation of power outages is also deeply worrying for South Africa’s food security, driving up prices, and placing an even greater strain on stretched household budgets.
(a little; rather; somewhat; to some extent; a bit; slightly; some amount; any amount; a little bit; a touch; a trifle)
een beetje
(a few; certain); ;
🔗 Bachmut and the surrounding area has seen some of the most ferocious fighting of the war.
(any; a few; several; some of; divers; a number of); ; ;
🔗 So you do remember some things.
(a few; a spot of; a touch of);
kelke da
🔗 Also, it saw some carbondioxide, which was unexpected.
(several; different; sundry; various; varying);
(about; approximately; around; roughly; circa); ;
🔗 Some 15% of respondents said they didn’t know.
(a; a certain; an; any);
🔗 Typically, functions return some value.
(some kind of; one; any);
een of andere
🔗 The price for doing so would almost certainly be a commitment to some kind of second Brexit referendum.

someplace ergens
place aanbrengen; aanleggen; ambt; betrekking; gelegenheid; herkennen; huis; kantoor; leggen; onderbrengen; oord; passage; plaats; plaatsen; plaatsje; plein; plek; positie; post; stationeren; stede; stee; stek; stellen; thuisbrengen; uitzetten; verblijf; winkel; woning; zaak; zetten
some circa; de een of andere; een; een beetje; een koppel; een zeker; enig; enige; ettelijke; het een of ander; iets; ongeveer; pakweg; sommige; sommigen; wat; zowat