Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord all over the place

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(field; site; locale); ;
🔗 You wouldn’t like the place.
(locate; position; set);
(lay down; put; set);
🔗 It has placed the heads of it victims on spikes in cities it has captured and posted videos of savage executions on‐line.
(attach; put onto; add; append; apply; assign; paste);
(stead; spot; locality; site); ; ;
🔗 I examined the place.
🔗 The escalation of power outages is also deeply worrying for South Africa’s food security, driving up prices, and placing an even greater strain on stretched household budgets.

all over the place overal
place aanbrengen; aanleggen; ambt; betrekking; gelegenheid; herkennen; huis; kantoor; leggen; onderbrengen; oord; passage; plaats; plaatsen; plaatsje; plein; plek; positie; post; stationeren; stede; stee; stek; stellen; thuisbrengen; uitzetten; verblijf; winkel; woning; zaak; zetten