Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord think hard

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(difficult; tough; arduous); ; ;
🔗 I find this hard to believe.
🔗 The seed is relatively small and very hard.
(fast; firm; stable; resolute; solid; steadfast; unflinching; stiff)
(challenging; exacting; formidable; heavy; tough; arduous); ; ;
(strict; austere; harsh; sharp; stern; tough; bad; severe)
(hardly; not easily; with difficulty); ; ;
🔗 I find this hard to believe.
(tirelessly; untiringly)
🔗 He worked hard from morning till night and did not know what joy was.
; ;
🔗 The eastern cities of Charkiv, Sumy and Černihiv have also been hard hit by Russia’s tactic of pounding urban areas with artillery as its troops have done before in Syria and Chechnya.
(heavy; severe);
🔗 His unit saw its hardest fighting in July in nearby Lysyčansʹk and Sjevjerodonecʹk, where they were heavily outnumbered.
(deem; opine; feel; hold; reckon; see; believe; find); ; ;
🔗 Ukrainian officials have said they think Russia is running out of troops to keep fighting and could soon come to terms with its failure to topple the Ukrainian government.
🔗 Do you think he understands that?
(reflect on; think about; ponder; reflect; give thought); ; ;
(guess; presume; suppose; surmise; assume; deem; take it)
🔗 I thought that I was alone in the garden.
🔗 Have you ever thought of that?

think hard ingespannen denken; zich goed bedenken
hard bezwaarlijk; fiks; flink; hard; hardvochtig; ingespannen; lastig; moeilijk; moeitevol; moeizaam; scherp; vast; zwaar
think achten; bedenken; denken; gedachte; geloven; houden voor; menen; nadenken; prakkezeren; prakkizeren; van plan zijn; vinden; wanen; zich bedenken; zich bezinnen; zich denken; zich voorstellen