Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord only too

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(just; but; as little as); ;
🔗 I think only one said that we should.
(alone; sole; solitary; lone; single; unaccompanied)
(mere; solitary; single; bare); ;
🔗 It’s the only living language in Europe with no relation to any others, he said.
(but; just; merely; simply; solely); ; ;
🔗 I only have one problem.
(just; merely); ; ;
🔗 They were only stories.
(also; likewise; as well; in addition)
🔗 And you should be too.
(too much; overly)
al te
🔗 It is too dangerous.

only too maar al te
only alleen; alleenlijk; eerst; enig; enige; enkel; enkelijk; louter; maar; net; niet meer dan; nog maar; pas; slechts
too al te; alsook; evenzo; ook; te