Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord on fire

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(discharge; fire off); ;
(discharge; dismiss; sack; oust; remove; expel; jilt; bounce; chuck; ditch; give the push; send packing; give the sack; give the boot; give the mitten)
🔗 Pressman said in a statement that it is clear he was fired for testifying in the impeachment probe.
(discharge; dismiss; sack; retrench; lay off)
🔗 But the reason the first lady asked for Mira to be fired was that the first lady believed she was a bully.
(discharge; fire off; let off)
(cheer; inspire; stimulate)
(fan; inspire; stimulate; stir up; urge);
(firing; gun‐fire; shooting; fusillade);
🔗 North of Mariupol, and near the Russian border, the city of Kharkiv has come under heavy Russian fire.
(verve; vivacity; liveliness; spirit; animation; zest; zing; flair)
(outbreak of fire; blaze);
🔗 Since September, fires in Australia have killed at least 23 people.
in vervoering brengen
🔗 On the spot he built a fire and grilled the hare, after which he lit his pipe and lay at ease while he smoked and planned.
(ahead; forth; forward; forwards; onward; to the fore)
(at; by; upon; over; to); ; ; ;
🔗 They don’t want ever to leave on those terms.
(by; by means of; through; with; via); ;
(further; more; beyond; anymore; moe);
(upon; onto; in; at; aboard; atop);
🔗 Mistress al’Vere gave him a pat on the cheek.
(a; in; into; per; an); ; ;
(by; from; of); ;
(about; concerning; for; of; over; regarding; after; with; upon; in; as to; into; toward); ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 Insist on obedience!
aan de gang
🔗 Doesn’t he know there’s a war on?
(at the expense of)
op kosten van
je la kosto de
(across from; against; in exchange for; opposed to; versus; with; opposite; for; contra; from); ; ;
🔗 Senator Bill Hagerty has released a statement regarding the Russian attack on the Ukraine.
(at; beside; with; by; next to; in the case of; among); ;
🔗 As Ukrainian forces continue their offensive in the southern Cherson region, Russian media are reporting heavy bombardments around the town of Nova Kachovka on the Dnipro river.

on fire brandend; gloeiend; in brand
fire aannsteken; aanslaan; aanvuren; aanwakkeren; afschieten; aftrekken; afvuren; bakken; brand; doen ontvlammen; doorgloeien; fik; haard; hitte; in brand steken; lossen; ontslaan; ontsteken; schieten; schieten met; stoken; verhitten; vlam vatten; vuren; vuur; vuur geven
on aan; aangesloten; bij; door; in; met; naar; om; op; op kosten van; over; tegen; ten koste van; van; verder; volgens; voort