Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord let sleeping dogs lie

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 In the lead were five dogs, straining at their leashes, digging their paws into the sparsely grassed dirt, slipping now and then.
🔗 Then there is the corruption that experts say has dogged the Russian military for years.
🔗 Do you know what horrors lie behind that wall?
(tell a lie)
🔗 Tom, don’t lie to me.
🔗 But, as we both know, it would be an utter lie.
(be situated; sit)
🔗 As its name suggests, the country lies at the very heart of the African continent, away from major trade routes and population centres, and very far indeed from public attention.
(inactive; asleep; in abeyance)

let sleeping dogs lie geen slapende honden wakker maken; maak geen slapende honden wakker; men moet geen slapende honden wakker maken
dog achtervolgen; gedrocht; hond; kerel; mannetje; misbaksel; monster; op de hielen zitten; op de voet volgen; rekel; rotzooi; troep; vervolgen; zijn gangen nagaan
lie fabuleren; leugen; liegen; liggen; ligging; onwaarheid; rusten; slapen
sleeping slapend