Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord base camp

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 It was also not clear if Trump’s comment was based on news reports or if the White House had been given official notice.
(low; vile; depraved; ignoble; lowlife; mean; sordid); ; ; ;
(pedestal; plinth; stand; socle)
(basis; footing; ground; platform; stem);
(basic; fundamental)
🔗 Polymorphism allows you to treat a collection of objects of types all derived from a common base as if they were each instances of that base type.
🔗 That will mean thousands more troops, which Lithuania would like to see based permanently around the small country’s 621‐mile‐long borders with Belarus and Russia.
🔗 One of Russia’s top military commanders, general Sergej Surovikin, has urged Wagner mercenary fighters to “obey the will and command” of president Putin and return to their base.
(be encamped; camp out; lie encamped);
🔗 Hundreds of protesters have been camping outside a French military base in Niger’s capital Niamey for the past six days to demand the troops’ departure, the latest sign of swelling anti‐French sentiment among supporters of a military coup in July.
groep barakken
verzameling barakken
(camping ground; camping‐site; campground)
(camp of tents; tented camp; encampment);
(party; faction; side)

base camp basiskamp
base als basis aanwijzen; base; baseren; basis; fundament; gemeen; grond; gronden; grondlijn; grondslag; grondtal; grondvlak; honk; laag; laaghartig; laag‐bij‐de‐gronds; meet; min; minderwaardig; onderbouwen; onedel; schildvoet; slecht; snood; stationeren; vals; voet; voetstuk; vuig
camp geaffecteerd; kamp; kampement; kamperen; kitsch; kitscherig; legerplaats; légeren; nichterig; theatraal; verwijfd; zich legeren