Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord airdrop

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(impression; aura; impress)
🔗 There had been an indefinable air of satisfaction in the swing of her arms and the poise of her head.
🔗 The searches in Delhi and Muṃbaī had come weeks after the broadcaster aired a documentary in the UK critical of Mr. Modī’s rôle in the 2002 Gujarat riots.
(fall; lapse)
🔗 Hotel room reservations from the Russian market have already dropped by 70% for this high season.
(decrease; diminish; fall; reduce; shrink; dwindle; ease)
(fall; lapse)
(lower; lay in rest)
(annul; cancel; lift; nullify; rescind)
(abatement; decrease; diminishment)
🔗 In 2020 alone, Cuba’s economy shrank by 11 percent, the largest drop since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

air aria; droogmaak; gedrag; houding; lied; lug; lug gee aan; lugwind‐; melodie; uit; uitdamp; uiter; voorkome; voorkomste; windjie; wysie
drop afname; afstap van; agteruítgang; bedaar; daal; drop; drup; druppel; hondebloed; kalf; klontjie; laat vaar; laat val; lam; loonsvermindering; neerval; oorbel; ophou; prysdaling; sak; skepskop; snapsie; sopie; val; valdeur; valluik; verval

Die woord airdrop kon deur ons nie in die geselekteerde doeltaal vertaal word nie.