English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word landbank

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(shore; coast; waterside); ;
(ramp; slope; embankment);
(deposit; file; lodge; store)
ondiepe plek
(rebound; bounce; recoil; ricochet); ; ; ; ;
(file; line; rank; row; queue; round; run; sequence; string)
🔗 This came for you at the bank after you’d left.
(berth; go ashore; beach)
🔗 However, though he claimed it as a Spanish territory, Columbus never landed there, and Spain made the settlement of the island a low priority.
🔗 The people cannot return to their land because the Burmese army is shooting people on sight.
(alight; beach);
(earth; ground);
🔗 The sun had baked the ploughed land into a grey mass, with little cracks running through it.
(estate; farm; property; ranch); ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 Can you fly this plane and land it?

bank bank; banken; bankieren; bankzaken doen; berm; boord; dam; deponeren; dijk; doen overhellen; dwarshelling; een bankrekening hebben; glooiing; groep; indammen; inrekenen; mistbank; oever; op de bank zetten; op de bank zitten; overhellen; rij; slagzij; slagzij maken; wal; zandbank
land aan land brengen; aan land komen; aan land zetten; aan wal brengen; aankomen; aanlanden; afzetten; belanden; bodem; brengen; dalen; doen belanden; doen landen; grond; land; landen; landerijen; lossen; neerkomen; platteland; terechtkomen; terrein

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