English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word find oneself

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(be; be found)
🔗 In truth, he found himself closer to the road than he liked.
(notice; perceive; discern; make out);
(locate; strike; spot)
🔗 I know where to find her.
(invention; discovery);
(invent; discover; unearth)
komen achter
(invention; discovery); ;
(gather; induce; infer; conclude); ; ;
een gevolgtrekking maken
; ;
🔗 A 2020 report by the Commission of Inquiry on Syria, set up by the UN Human Rights Council, found that Russia had bombed civilian areas in violation of the Geneva Conventions.
(catch; hit; strike; attain; encounter; run up against; befall; betide; ravage);
(deem; opine; think; feel; hold; reckon; see; believe)
🔗 But now, the president is messing with something that even Republicans find problematic.
🔗 The police chief of the Kyiv region says the bodies of 900 civilians have been found in towns around the capital, more than a week after Russian troops left.
🔗 I find your lack of faith disturbing.

find oneself zich bevinden; zich vinden; zijn ware roeping ontdekken
find aanschaffen; aantreffen; bemerken; bevinden; bezorgen; bijeenzoeken; halen; merken; ondervinden; ontdekken; terugvinden; treffen; vellen; verklaren; verschaffen; vinden; vindplaats; vondst; weervinden; zoeken