Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord she’ll

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
; ;
(peel; skin);
(bark; husk; peel; hull; skin); ;
🔗 The shells will be supplied by French arms maker Nexter and Germany’s Junghans, according to an industry source.
(bombard; strafe)
Saint James shell
(great scallop; king scallop)
grote mantel
granda pekteno
shell grass
(greater quaking‐grass; blowfly grass; shelly grass; big quaking‐grass; rattlesnake grass; rattle grass)
groot trilgras
shell out
(spend; expend; cough out; cough up; fork out; pay up; plank down; stump up)
(acorn barnacle)
🔗 Many nuts are lost due to damage from the larvae, which burrow through the nutshell.
(go; be going to; will)
<futura helpverbo>
🔗 I’ll bring them!
🔗 He glanced approvingly at her.
🔗 The green shoots can also be cut and served as a vegetable as is done in Chinese cooking, especially stir‐fried with garlic or shellfish such as crab.
🔗 Ukrainian forces were holding off Russian troops advancing on the capital Kyiv, but shelling hit civilian infrastructure and targets including ambulances, president Volodymyr Zelensʹkiyj said.
zonder dop
🔗 Mr. Mugabe died in 2019 at the age of 95, reportedly without leaving a will.
(wish; volition)
🔗 An October 24 poll revealed an undiminished will.
(be willing to; want; wish)
🔗 I will hear no excuses.
(go; be going to; shall)
<futura helpverbo>
🔗 So it will be.
🔗 John says we can be confident that God will grant our requests when they are according to his will.

she’ll zij zal
shell bast; beschieten; bestoken; bolster; dekschild; dop; doppen; geraamte; granaat; huisje; huls; hulsel; ontbolsteren; pel; pellen; peul; romp; schaal; schelp; schil; schild; schillen; schulp
be only just out of the shell nog niet droog achter de oren zijn; pas komen kijken
come out of one’s shell loskomen
electron shell elektronenschil
high explosive shell brisantgranaat
mussel shell mosselschelp
retire into one’s shell in zijn schelp kruipen; in zijn schulp kruipen
Saint James shell grote mantel
shell crater granaattrechter
shell fire granaatvuur
shell fisher schelpenvisser
shell grass groot trilgras
shell hole granaattrechter
shell out afschuiven; bombarderen; dokken; opdokken; schokken; schuiven
shell splinter granaatscherf
tracer shell lichtspoorgranaat; spoorgranaat
bomb‐shell bom
cockle‐shell hartschelp; notedop; scheepje
eggshell eierdop; eierschaal; eischaal; halfglanzend; halfmat
ladder‐shell wenteltrap
nutshell notedop
oyster‐shell oesterschelp
pea‐shell erwtepeul; erwteschil
seashell zeeschelp
shall moet; moeten; zal; zullen
she degeen; degene; diegene; het; meisje; vrouwtje; wijfje; ze; zij
shell‐almond kraakamandel
shellfish schaaldier; schelpdier; schelpdieren
shelling beschieting; bombardement
shellless zonder dop
shell‐lime schelpkalk
shellproof bomvrij
shellshock shellshock
snail‐shell slakkehuis; slakkehuisje
star‐shell lichtkogel
tortoise‐shell geel en bruin gestreepte kat; schildpad; schildpadden; vos
will door zijn wil oproepen; laatste wil; testament; vermaken; wens; wensen; wil; willen; zullen