Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord building

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Winds of 70 miles per hour will uproot trees, which can block roads and crush cars or buildings.
(construction; structure);
(builder; contractor; master builder)
(building site; site)
🔗 But 10 months on from its original launch date of December 2018, the Elizabeth Line is still a building project.
building shed
building site
surkonstruota tereno
(building plot; site);
building trade
business building
🔗 Irma destroyed government buildings, tore roofs from houses and left northern Caribbean islands without power or communications.
🔗 Built by former president Félix Houphouët‐Boigny, the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace cost $ 200 million to $ 300 million and has the capacity to seat 18,000 worshippers.
(put together; compose; construct; draught; combine; assemble); ;
(build from wood; carpenter; build up);
🔗 A strong state and obedient masses are central to the idea of an India that Modī’s BJP wants to build.
🔗 The civilization of Europe has been built on the ruins of Rome.
(stable; stall; sty; outhouse; shed)

building aanbouw; bouw; bouwwerk; gebouw
building ban bouwverbod
building complex gebouwencomplex
building contractor aannemer
building engineering bouwkunde
building freeze bouwstop
building ground bouwgrond
building inspectors bouwpolitie
building licence bouwvergunning
building line rooilijn
building permit bouwvergunning
building plot bouwgrond; bouwterrein
building policy bouwbeleid
building scheme bouwplan
building set bouwpakket
building shed bouwkeet; directiekeet
building site bouwgrond; bouwplaats; bouwterrein; bouwwerf
building society bouwfonds
building stone bouwsteen
building supervisor uitvoerder
building trade bouwbedrijf; bouwvak
building trade worker bouwvakarbeider; bouwvakker
business building bedrijfsgebouw; bedrijfspand
commercial building zakenpand
engine building machinebouw
exchange building beursgebouw
government building gouvernementsgebouw
main building hoofdgebouw
office building kantoorgebouw
school building schoolgebouw
university building universiteitsgebouw
body‐building bodybuilding
build aanbouwen; aanleggen; bouw; bouwen; lichaamsbouw; maken; oprichten; postuur; snit; stichten; timmeren
character‐building karaktervorming
factory‐building fabrieksgebouw
jerry‐building revolutiebouw
outbuilding bijgebouw
shipbuilding scheepsbouw
system‐building systeembouw
word‐building woordvorming