Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord hand‐

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 Sy slagoffer vertel dat Manis haar hande en voete vasgebind en haar in ’n kas toegesluit het.
get out of hand
🔗 In die afgelope paar dekades het misdaad dwarsoor Brasilië handuit geruk.
left hand
🔗 Hy sou sy linkerhand moes gebruik om dit te kon doen.
right hand

hand hand
hand‐ carpal
aan die hand doen vote; put forward; hazard; hint; suggest
as twee hande mekaar was, word altwee skoon one good deed deserves another; one good turn deserves another
by die hand convenient; ready
deur die hand van at the hands of
die hand aan die ploeg slaan put one’s hand to the plough
die hande klap clap one’s hands
die hande uit die mou steek put one’s shoulder to the wheel
die hande vou clasp one’s hands; fold one’s hands; join hands
die hand gee aan shake hands with
die hand skud shake hands
die hand slaan aan lay hands on; do violence to
die laaste hand lê aan finish; put the finishing touches to
die mag in hande kry come into power
ding na die hand van sue
dit lê voor die hand it lies on the surface; it goes without saying
dit lê voor die hand dat it is obvious that
gee hom die vinger en hy neem die hele hand give him an inch and he’ll take an ell
hand aan hand gaan met go hand in hand with
hande klap clap
hand‐ en voetdokter chiropodist
hande tuis! hands off!
hande uit out of control
hand oor hand hand over hand; hand over fist; by leaps and bounds
hand uitruk break free; break loose; get out of hand
iemand onder hande neem go at somebody
in ander hande oorgaan change hands
in die hand in hand
in die hande kry cop; get hold of
in die hande val van fall into the hands of
in die hand werk promote
in hande by hand
in hande kry come at; come by
mekaar die hand gee join hands
mekaar se hand vat link hands
met die hand by hand; manually
’n hand hê in have a hand in
’n swaar hand hê be cruel; be harsh
om die hand vra van propose to
onder hande neem have a go at; handle
sy hande wring wring one’s hands
ter hand kom come to hand
ter hand neem take in hands; put in hand
ter hand stel deliver; hand over
uit die eerste hand at first hand; first‐hand
uit die hand by private treaty
uit die tweede hand second‐hand
van die hand in die tand from hand to mouth
van die hand in die tand leef live from hand to mouth
van die hand sit dispose of; make away with; sell; work off
van die hand wys overrule; refuse; reject; rule out of court; wave aside
van hand tot hand from hand to hand
eerstehands first‐hand
groeihand green fingers
handaambeeld stake
handaansitter hand‐starter
handbagasie hand luggage
handbeweging motion
handboei bracelet; handcuff; manacle
handboek manual; handbook; textbook; vademecum
handboog hand‐bow
handboor hand‐drill; gimlet
handbreedte hand‐breadth
handbyl chopper; hand‐axe
handbyltjie hatchet
handdoek towel
handdruk clasp; handshake; grip; handclasp; handgrip; shake; squeeze of the hand
handearbeid handicraft; handiwork; handwork; manual labour
handegeklap clap
handewerk handiwork
handgalop canter
handgebaar gesture; motion of the hand; wave of the hand
handgeklap applause; clapping; plaudit; plaudits
handgeld earnest; earnest‐money; press‐money
handgereedskap non‐power tools
handgeweer handgun
handgewig dumb‐bell
handgewrig wrist
handgif arrha; earnest‐money; handsel
handgreep grasp; holding; pass
handhamer hand‐hammer
hand‐hand hand to hand
handhefboom hand‐lever
handhotnotjies carpal bones
handig adroit; agile; clever; deft; dexterous; nimble; great; habile; handy; knackish; knacky; neat; neat‐handed; skilful; skilfully; slick; workmanlike
handkaart playing‐card
handkar flat; push‐cart
handklem hand‐screw
handkloofsaag jack‐saw
handkoevoet tommy‐bar
handkoffer case; handbag; portmanteau; suitcase
handkyker palmist
handleiding manual; handbook; textbook
handlesery palmistry
handmeule hand‐mill; quern
handmof mitt
handmonster hand‐specimen
handomslag hand‐brace
handoplegging laying on of hands
handpalm thenar
handperd led horse
handpers hand‐press
handpik hand‐axe
handpop puppet
handrem handbrake
handriem hand‐strap
handsaag handsaw
handsak attaché case; Dorothy bag; handbag; portmanteau
handsakkie satchel; valise
handsein hand signal
handskêr snips
handskoen glove
handskrif codex; handwriting; fist; hand; manuscript; script
handskroef hand‐screw; hand‐vice
handslag slap
handsmering hand‐lubrication
handsortering hand‐sorting
handspieël hand‐glass; hand‐mirror
handspuit hand‐syringe
handstok dip‐rod
handtekening autograph; signature; hand
handtrom tabor; taborine
handvaardigheid dexterity
handvatsel basket‐hilt; crank; ear; pull; sleeve; grip; gripe; haft; handle; helve; hilt; hold; loom; stock
handversneller throttle
handvol handful
handvorm hand‐shape
handvyl flat file; hand‐file
handwaarsêer chiromancer; palmist
handwaarsêery chiromancy
handwaentjie hand‐cart
handwaterpas hand‐level
handwerk craft; craftsmanship; needlework; handicraft; handwork
handwortel carpus
handwyser guidepost; signpost
handwyster guidepost
hardhandig hard‐handed; rough; rude
linkerhand bridlehand; left; left hand
manshand man’s hand
middelhand metacarpus
oorhands overhand
oorhandsteek topsewing
regterhand factotum; right; right hand; whip‐hand
sweethande sweating hands
tweedehands second‐hand
vierhandig four‐handed; quadrumane; quadrumanous
voorhand forehand; leading hand
winterhande chilblain; chilblains
ysterhand mailed fist