Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord whithersoever

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(at some time; sometime; anytime; someday);
🔗 Nowhere in the world has it ever worked.
(always; for ever; invariably; permanently; perpetually; aye)
🔗 Will Hawaii ever remain the same?
op enig moment
op onverschillig welk moment
op welk moment dan ook
iam ajn
(increasingly; more and more)
in toenemende mate
; ;
steeds meer
🔗 I wouldn’t ever leave.
🔗 Nothing is ever his fault.
(therefore; accordingly; consequently; thus);
🔗 So train yourself to short periods of intensive study in which you really do learn something.
(so that; that)
(consequently; subsequently; thus; accordingly)
(such; thus; thereby; in that way; that way; as); ;
🔗 And that is what so brilliant about it!
(therefore; on that account; hence; thus; accordingly; for that reason)
(in that way; like this; this way; thus)
(that much; so much; so many; that amount)
(quite; very; very much; most; really; well; particularly)
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
(where; where … to; whereto);
🔗 Whither does it lead?
(where; where … to);

whithersoever waarheen ook
ever altijd; altoos; eeuwig; immer; immermeer; ooit; ooit voorgekomen; toch; weleens
so affijn; als; alzo; dat; derhalve; dus; dusdanig; in dier voege; indien; zo; zo graag; zodanig; zodat; zulks
whither waar; waarheen