English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word prove one’s identity

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
prove one’s identity
legitimi sin
🔗 His identity had remained a mystery for a week in spite of fingerprint checks and a search of missing persons records.
🔗 I would like you to prove this.
(attempt; test; try; pilot; sample; assay; try out)
(come true; become evident)
🔗 Not only that, but all the threats and promises he made in the process were proven to be hollow.

prove one’s identity zich identificeren; zich legitimeren
identity eenzijn; gelijkheid; identiteit; persoon; persoonlijkheid
prove aantonen; beproeven; bewijzen; blijken; de proef nemen op; op de proef stellen; waarmaken