English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word party leader

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Yet last week, party leader Jeremy Corbyn gave an interview to Der Spiegel declaring that Brexit could not be stopped.
(boss; chief; governor; head; master; prefect)
(manager; conductor; director; marshal)
(boss; chief; headman; head; kingpin); ;
(eminent; coryphaeus); ;
🔗 There are the leaders!
(adherents; disciples; following; supporters; circle; number)
distra vespero
(celebration; festival; feast; festivity; fiesta; fête); ;
🔗 I can’t even imagine the party they’re going to have tomorrow with this news,
🔗 That’s an ambitious goal in a country where parties affiliated with Thaksin, who built his political success on populist policies that appealed to Thailand’s rural heartland, have won every election since 2001.
(adherents; disciples; followers; following; retinue)
(participant; sharer)
(camp; faction; side)

party leader partijleider
leader aanvoerder; concertmeester; dirigent; eerste violist; geleider; gids; hoofd; hoofdartikel; kopman; leider; leidsman; leidster; leidsvrouw; orkestmeester; voorman; voorpaard; voorspan
party aanhang; afdeling; bent; comparant; de bloemetjes buiten zetten; deelnemer; detachement; feest; feest vieren; feestje; fuif; gezelschap; groep; partij; partijtje; ploeg; troep