English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word give a dog a bad name and hang him

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 In the lead were five dogs, straining at their leashes, digging their paws into the sparsely grassed dirt, slipping now and then.
🔗 Then there is the corruption that experts say has dogged the Russian military for years.
(suspend); ;
(execute by hanging; swing); ;
🔗 Do you think that he’s going to hang those men?
(hook; couple; secure; grasp)
🔗 He stole the half of my tapestry, and hung it in a marble hall, and this hall is in the ruins to the north of Kaiin.
(float; hover; waft)
(droop; hang down; cling)

give a dog a bad name and hang him wee de wolf die in een kwaad gerucht staat
dog achtervolgen; gedrocht; hond; kerel; mannetje; misbaksel; monster; op de hielen zitten; op de voet volgen; rekel; rotzooi; troep; vervolgen; zijn gangen nagaan
hang aarzelen; afhangen; behangen; geen opgang maken; hangen; helling; inrichting; laten besterven; laten hangen; niet opschieten; omhángen; ophangen; opknopen; slag; traineren; vallen; zweven