English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word free trade deal

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Walking away empty‐handed, which Johnson threatened to do on Friday, would create disruptions to trade when the transition period ends later this year, shaving more than $ 25 billion off the UK economy in 2021 compared to a scenario where a limited free trade deal is agreed, according to a CNN business analysis based on forecasts from Citi and the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
(distribute; administer; give out; allocate);
(agreement; accord; pact; mutual agreement); ; ;
🔗 If he doesn’t get a deal, he’s screwed.
(contract; agreement; compact)
(accord; agreement; accordance; concurrence; consonance; concurrency; chord; concord);
🔗 Here are 3 reasons why Trump may hate the new deal.
(give; administer; grant; impart; provide; confer; allow; spare; afford; invest with; fetch; yive)
🔗 Theresa May’s Brexit plan was dealt another major blow on Thursday night in a disastrous turn of events that resulted in them scrapping written commitments to help her pass her deal through parliament.
; ;
(at large);
(unoccupied; vacant); ;
(gratis); ;
🔗 Another good reason for using Perl is that it’s free.
(for nothing; gratis; free of charge)
🔗 Buy 4 videos and get 1 free!
(release; liberate; turn loose); ;
(above‐board; communicative; outspoken)
🔗 If the slave killed the three dogs loosed at him, he was freed.
🔗 But when they come to trade with you and when they come to fight with you, can you not tell whether they are flesh and blood or not?
(business; commerce; transaction)
; ;
(handicraft; occupation; craft)
; ; ; ; ;
(interchange; swap; change; exchange; share; switch);
(occupation; job)
; ; ; ;

free trade deal vrijhandelsverdrag
deal bedélen; deal; dealen; deel; dennehout; geven; grenehout; grenehouten; grenehouten 9‐duimsplank; grenen; grote hoeveelheid; handelen; handelstransactie; handeltje; hoeveelheid; koehandel; koop; overeenkomst; ronddelen; scharrelen; sparrehout; toebrengen; toedelen; toedienen; transactie; uitdelen; vurehout; vurehouten; vurehouten 9‐duimsplank; vuren
free bevrijden; franco; gratis; in vrijheid; in vrijheid stellen; kosteloos; los; onbelemmerd; onbesproken; onbezet; ongedwongen; ongegeneerd; ontslaan; open; portvrij; royaal; ten kostelozen titel; verlossen; voor noppes; vrij; vrij van dienst; vrijgeven; vrijgevig; vrijlaten; vrijmaken; vrijmoedig; vrijpostig; vrijwillig
trade ambacht; bedrijf; beroep; branche; handel; handel drijven; handeldrijven; handelen; handelsverkeer; handwerk; koophandel; koopmanschap; métier; negotie; nering; ruilen; stiel; vak; verhandelen; verruilen; zaken