Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord source

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(fountain; spring; fount; well; fountain‐head; well‐spring)
🔗 The Alps are a source of a minerals that have been mined for thousands of years.
nectar source
abelonutra planto
🔗 It also allows you to search in external components for which the source code is not available.
source of infection
infekta centro
source resistance
(output resistance; internal resistance)
interna rezistanco
(means; remedy; avenue; expedience; expedient; recourse; way; agency)
(supply; stock; store; administration; arrival);

source bron; oorsprong
chief source hoofdbron
nectar source drachtplant
power source energiebron; krachtbron
sound source geluidsbron
source of heat warmtebron
source of income bron van inkomsten; inkomstenbron
source of infection besmettingshaard
source of life levensbron
source of light lichtbron
source resistance inwendige weerstand; uitgangsweerstand
resource hulpbron; hulpmiddel; redmiddel; vindingrijkheid