Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord shift the blame onto another

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(hold against; impute; ascribe; attribute; credit); ; ;
; ; ;
🔗 President Nicolas Maduro blames it on what he calls an “economic war” against his country.
(fault; guilt; culpability)
🔗 She alone must take most of the blame for the party’s poor election performance.
(rebuke; reproach; reprove; scold; reprimand; upbraid; tell off; berate; reprehend; lecture)

shift the blame onto another de schuld op iemand anders afwentelen
blame afkeuren; afkeuring; berispen; berisping; blaam; gispen; gisping; kritiek; laken; schuld; verwijt