Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord helpful

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(auxiliary; ancillary; beneficial; subsidiary; support; helping)
🔗 We hope you find this book enjoyable and helpful in your Java programming.
(complete; integral; plenary; thorough)
(replete; satisfied);
(complete; integral; thoroughgoing; whole); ; ;
🔗 A failure to strike a full trade agreement would therefore require emergency measures to be put in place.
; ;
(assistance; helping)
(aid; assist; support; attend to);
🔗 I did not help him escape.
(aid; support; assistance);
(aid; assist; benefit; attend to; advance; avail);
🔗 Can I help you?
(aid; benefit; assistance);
🔗 She needs my help, Rand.
(readiness to help)
(consideration; decency; readiness)

helpful behulpzaam; bevorderlijk; bruikbaar; hulpvaardig; nuttig
full gevuld; goed; goedgevuld; heel; plenair; rond; ten volle; uitvoerig; vervuld; verzadigd; vlak; vol; volledig; vollen; voltallig; volwaardig; zeer
help assistentie; bedienen; behulp; bijstaan; bijstand; dienstmeisje; gemak; helpen; helper; helpster; hulp; hulp verlenen; hulpkracht; meisje; ondersteunen; serveren; steun; uitkomst
helpfulness behulpzaamheid
unhelpful nutteloos; onbehulpzaam; ondienstig; onhulpvaardig