English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word shockwave

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 In this type of event, if the explosion altitude is less than 10 km or so, the resulting shockwave can cause damage on the ground, such as shattering windows.
(shake; agitate; rock)
(appal; horrify)
aanstoot geven
; ;
🔗 I was shocked.
🔗 The shock to our economy would be felt by generations to come.
🔗 She halted in the shade of the old lime‐tree, then continued down to the beach to see what the waves had brought in.
(brandish; swing; wave about; beat; wag; wield; whirl); ;
(gesture; motion);
(sway; swing; oscillate; vibrate; wag; waggle); ; ; ; ; ;
(wag; waggle; flourish)
🔗 “Up then”, said Mazirian at last with a wave of his hand.
(quiver; shiver; tremble; quake; rattle); ; ; ; ;
(flit; flutter; stream)
🔗 The Ukrainian tactic could be to invite wave after wave of infantry attacks, knowing they can inflict heavy casualties on the enemy, a tactic used with success in Vuhledar late last year.
🔗 Take Iran, which itself is now facing a wave of anti‐government protests.

shockwave schokgolf
shock aan hokken zetten; aan stuiken zetten; aanstoot geven; bos; botsing; choqueren; een schok geven; ergeren; hok; ontzetten; pruik; schok; schokken; schrik; shock; slag; stoten; stuik; stuiten; traumatiseren
wave baar; doen golven; gewuif; golf; golf‐; golven; onduleren; slag; vloedgolf; wapperen; wuiven; wuiven met; wuivende handbeweging; zwaai; zwaaien met