English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word root

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
wortel schieten
🔗 Unlike almost all other willows, pure specimens do not take root readily from cuttings.
(stem; radix)
🔗 The roots of Norway maples grow very close to the ground surface, starving other plants of moisture.
(square root)
adder’s root
(cuckoo‐pint; jack‐in‐the‐pulpit; lords‐and‐ladies; Adam and Eve; arum; wild arum; arum lily; bobbins; cows and bulls; cuckoo‐plant; devils and angels; friar’s cowl; naked boys; snake’s head; starch‐root; wake‐robin)
be at the root of
(lie at the root of; underlie)
garlic root
(garlic mustard)
ginger root
lie at the root of
(be at the root of; underlie)
red root
(common purslane; verdolaga; pursley)
; ;
🔗 Tam rooted around in a cabinet and came up with a key as long as his hand.
root of scarcity
(mangel‐wurzel; mangold‐wurzel; mangold; mangelbeet; field beet; fodder beet)
root system
serpent root
(black salsify; Spanish salsify; black oyster plant; viper’s herb; viper’s grass; scorzonera)
grote schorseneer
hispana skorzonero
🔗 We say that x is a square root of a if x² = a.
stilt roots
stilzaj radikoj
tree root
(red beet; beet; table beet; garden beet; golden beet)
rode biet
(basics; essentials)
(crosne; Chinese artichoke; Japanese artichoke; artichoke betony)
Japanse andoorn
tubera stakiso
(pokeweed; pokebush; pokeberry; poke sallet)
(cuckoo‐pint; jack‐in‐the‐pulpit; lords‐and‐ladies; Adam and Eve; adder’s root; arum; wild arum; arum lily; bobbins; cows and bulls; cuckoo‐plant; devils and angels; friar’s cowl; naked boys; snake’s head; wake‐robin)
(Jerusalem artichoke; sunchoke)
; ;
🔗 Perhaps tomorrow morning she would come to uproot the nettles.

root aanslaan; fundamenteel; grond‐; inwortelen; opscharrelen; radix; te voorschijn halen; verankeren; woelen; wortel‐; wortel; wortel doen schieten; wortel schieten; wroeten
adder’s root gevlekte aronskelk
aerial root luchtwortel
at root in de grond
at the root in de grond
be at the root of ten grondslag liggen aan
clinging root hechtwortel
cube root derdemachtswortel; kubiekwortel
fennel root venkelknol
garlic root look‐zonder‐look
germ root kiemwortel
get at the root of the matter tot de grond van de zaak doordringen; tot het wezen van de zaak doordringen
ginger root gemberwortel
go to the root of the matter tot de grond van de zaak doordringen; tot het wezen van de zaak doordringen
lie at the root of ten grondslag liggen aan
main root hoofdwortel
money is the root of all evil geld is de wortel van alle kwaad
push forth roots wortel schieten
put down roots zich thuis gaan voelen; zich vestigen
red root postelein
root about scharrelen
root around scharrelen
root beer <soort limonade>
root cause grondoorzaak
root crop wortelgewas
root for aanmoedigen; ophemelen; steunen; toejuichen; werken voor
root idea grondgedachte
root of scarcity voederbiet
root of the tongue tongwortel
root out uithalen; uitroeien
root principle grondbeginsel
root system wortelstelsel
root through omwroeten; ómwoelen
root up omwroeten; ontwortelen
serpent root grote schorseneer
square root vierkantswortel
stilt roots steltwortels
strike at the roots of in de wortel aantasten
strike root inburgeren
take root inwortelen
torn up by the roots ontworteld
tree root boomwortel
balsamroot balsemwortel
beetroot beetwortel; kroot; rode biet
disroot ontwortelen
grassroots basis; gewone leden; grondslagen; met het volk verbonden; onder de massa levend
knotroot Japanse andoorn
madder‐root meekrapwortel
pokeroot karmozijnbes
root‐and‐branch radicaal
rooted diep geworteld
rooting gewroet
rootless ontworteld; wortelloos; zonder wortels
rootlet worteltje
root‐sign wortelteken
rootstock onderstam; wortelstok
starch‐root gevlekte aronskelk
sunroot aardpeer; knolzonnebloem; topinamboer
tap‐root hoofdwortel; penwortel
unroot ontwortelen; vernietigen
uproot ontwortelen; uitroeien