English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word mad cow disease

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 But I saw what I saw, and it was no farmer out looking for a strayed cow.
(crazy; insane; nuts; barmy; lunatic; wild; wacky; bonkers); ; ; ; ;
(furious; wrathful); ;
🔗 I’ve never seen Master al’Vere so mad.

mad cow disease dolle‐koeienziekte; gekke‐koeienziekte
cow bang maken; intimideren; koe; rund; trut; vrees inboezemen; wijf; wijfje
mad dol; dol maken; dolzinnig; gek; gek maken; knots; krankzinnig; kwaad; mal; malende; nijdig; razend; razend maken; tureluurs; uitzinnig; waanzinnig