English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word dust content

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(contents; substance)
🔗 Each text is followed by a small number of questions relating to the content, which the student should attempt to answer (preferably aloud) in order to ensure his understanding of the text and also to acquire some conversational practice.
(contented; pleased; satisfied; gratified; happy); ; ;
🔗 Indeed I am content with Vale Evander.
(meet with; satisfy; gratify)
tevreden stellen
; ;
; ;
(mortal remains; honoured dust; clay)
stoffelijk overschot
senviva restaĵo

dust content stofgehalte
content content; gehalte; genoegen; inhoud; tevreden; tevreden stellen; tevredenheid; tevredenstellen; vergenoegd; vergenoegen; voldaan; voldoen; voldoening
dust afdoen; afstoffen; bestrooien; bestuiven; mul; pulver; stof; stof afnemen; stoffen; stofhagel; stuifmeel