English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word advocate

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 He has advocated putting the issue to a referendum.
(offer; propose; suggest; advance; proffer; propound; bid); ; ;
(support; sustain; countenance; espouse; maintain; uphold; stand by; back up; be behind; prop up); ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 Analysts were pointing to the resignation of Mr. Cohn, a free market advocate, as one reason behind a drop in shares across Asia on Wednesday.
(barrister; counsel; attorney; lawyer; defence attorney; defence lawyer);

advocate advocaat; bepleiten; een lans breken voor; pleitbezorger; pleiten voor; verdedigen; verdediger; voorspraak; voorspreker; voorstaan; voorstander; voorvechter
advocate for bepleiten; pleiten voor
judge advocate auditeur‐generaal; auditeur‐militair