Diccionario inglés–español

Traducción española de la palabra inglesa throughout

inglés → español
inglésespañol (traducido indirectamente)esperanto
(outside; without)
🔗 At least I can have my pipe out there.
(outside; outward)
🔗 He pushed on the door, forcing her out.
(completely; entirely; from A to Z)
(by; by means of; on; with; via)
por medio de
🔗 By his orders I must approch him through you, which is why I am here,
(because of; for; for sake of; on account of; owing to; at; for the sake of; from; in favour of; due to; in; by reason of; in the light of)
a causa de
🔗 He could easily have pushed through the throng, but that was not his way.

throughout a lo largo de; desde el principio hasta el fin; durante todo; en todos respectos; por todas partes; por todo
out ausente; apagado; exterior; divulgado; publicado; poco común; afuera; fuera; al aire libre; hasta el fin; cesante
through directo; sin paradas; acabado; terminado; a través; de un lado a otro; completamente; por; a través de; por medio de; a causa de; todo lo largo de