Diccionario inglés–español

Traducción española de la palabra inglesa make believe

inglés → español
inglésespañol (traducido indirectamente)esperanto
(deem; give credit to; give credence to)
🔗 We believe, however, that the user will find most of the words he needs in this dictionary.
(deem; opine; think; feel; hold; reckon; see; find)
🔗 Some women in Africa believe that condoms are “for prostitutes” and that respectable women should not use them.
(cause; get; have; bring)
🔗 Make them think I’m dangerous.
(fabricate; manufacture; concoct)
🔗 About 15 billion condoms are made every year and used by about 750 million people.

make believe fingir
believe creer; dar asenso a
make hacer; marca; hechura; carácter; natural; cometer; efectuar; ganar; coger; dar; pronunciar; cerrar; poner