Diccionario inglés–español

Traducción española de la palabra inglesa guide‐dog

inglés → español
inglésespañol (traducido indirectamente)esperanto
🔗 In the lead were five dogs, straining at their leashes, digging their paws into the sparsely grassed dirt, slipping now and then.
🔗 Then there is the corruption that experts say has dogged the Russian military for years.
(direct; manage; steer; conduct; drive; head; lead; refer; address)
(conduct; direct; head; lead; drive; show the way)
🔗 I will not only guide your hands as you work among the vats, but also will I teach you other matters of value.
(guidebook; handbook)
(conduct; lead; channel; wage; bring; drive; show; usher)
🔗 I met two fishermen yesterday at sea wearing green, and they guided me into the city.
(tourist guide; cicerone)
🔗 Guyal stared and turned to his guide.

guide‐dog perro‐lazarillo
dog perro; acosar; perseguir
guide adalid; adestrar; adiestrar; guía; dirección; poste indicador; guiadera; guiar