Diccionario inglés–español

Traducción española de la palabra inglesa at least

inglés → español
inglésespañol (traducido indirectamente)esperanto
(anyway; at any rate)
al menos
por lo menos
🔗 I suspected something of the sort about Bili Congar at the time, but I thought you at least had more sense than to try taunting him into such a thing.
a lo menos
🔗 There is at least one valid reason for the integration.
(beside; by; near; near to; next to; alongside)
al lado de
cerca de
junto a
🔗 At his elbow a voice said: “I am Chun the Unavoidable.”
(beside; with; by; next to; in the case of; among; on)
🔗 You defeated me at the Gates of Paaran Disen.
(at the rate of; a; per; an; each; for; all; apiece)
a razón de
a tanto por
(because of; for; for sake of; on account of; owing to; through; for the sake of; from; in favour of; due to; in; by reason of; in the light of)
a causa de
con motivo de
debido a
🔗 She licked her lips at the audacity.
(on; upon; onto; in; aboard; atop)
(toward; towards; for; to)
🔗 Guyal glanced once again at the sun.
(during; for; by; over)

at least al menos; a los menos; por lo menos
at a; ante; de; en; laugh at
least menor; mínimo; más pequeño; menos