Information about the word flee (English → Esperanto: fuĝi de)

Part of speechverb
Shavian alphabet𐑓𐑤𐑰
Deseret alphabet𐑁𐑊𐐨


Indicative mood
Present tensePast tense
(I) flee(I) fled
(thou) fleest(thou) fledst, fleddest
(he) flees, fleeth(he) fled
(we) flee(we) fled
(you) flee(you) fled
(they) flee(they) fled
Subjunctive mood
Present tensePast tense
(I) flee (I) fled
(thou) flee(thou) fled
(he) flee(he) fled
(we) flee(we) fled
(you) flee(you) fled
(they) flee(they) fled
Imperative mood
Present participlePast participle

Usage samples

Russia warned Kyiv residents to flee their homes on Tuesday and rained rockets on the city of Charkiv as Russian commanders intensified their bombardment of Ukrainian urban areas in a shift of tactics after their six‐day assault stalled.
Many of them fled fighting in Burma.
It is a reversal of fortunes for Venezuela, which was once the richest country in Latin America and a destination of choice for those fleeing turmoil in the region during the 1970s and 80s.


Dutchontvlieden; ontvluchten aan; vlieden; ontvluchten
Esperantofuĝi de