Ingelsk–Frysk wurdboek

Fryske oersetting fan it Ingelske wurd chairman

Ingelsk → Frysk
IngelskFrysk (net rjochtstreeks oerset)Esperanto
(president; moderator; chair)
🔗 Then, around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the president received word that chairman Máo Zédōng desired to meet with him.
🔗 She had tossed her cloak and staff carelessly across the only chair in the room, and now she pushed up the sleeves of her gown, baring her arms to her elbows.
(pulpit; throne)
(chairman; president; moderator);
🔗 Bernd Lange, chair of the European Parliament’s international trade committee, said the US tariffs were illegal.
(human being; human)
🔗 What sort of men were they who tended these fires?
(fellow; male; bloke)
(agent; operative)
(human race; mankind; humanity)
🔗 The four men drank wine.

chairman foarsitter
man houtsje; man