Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord vegetable world

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 In fact, just half of the food we eat in the UK originates here, with most of the rest imported from Europe, including almost all our fresh fruit and many of our vegetables.
🔗 We are living in a world where dictators support each other to retain their power.
🔗 Russian state TV presents a picture that is worlds away from the realities of the battleground.
🔗 The world can be a dangerous place when one is a stranger.
🔗 In Trump’s world, there seems to be little wrong with lying to get the advantage.

vegetable world plantenwereld
vegetable groente; groenten‐; groente‐; plant; plantaardig; planten‐
world aarde; heelal; mensheid; mondiaal; wereld