Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord swimming‐pool

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(swimming‐bath; pool; lido)
indoor swimming‐pool
interna naĝbaseno
(associate; come together; join; assemble; coalesce; converge; unite; become joined)
zich verenigen
(associate; join; amalgamate; coalesce; unite)
(swimming‐bath; swimming‐pool; lido)
(basin; reservoir)
🔗 Step by step she descended the path, and were she not so alert for mischief, she might have noticed the banks of flowers and pleasant herbs, the small stream flowing into artful pools, then tinkling down from stone to stone and into yet another pool.

swimming‐pool zwembassin
indoor swimming‐pool binnenbad; overdekt zwembad
open‐air swimming‐pool buitenbad
pool <stil en diep gedeelte van een rivier>; Amerikaans biljart; bassin; bestand; inzet; kolk; onder één directie brengen; plas; plasje; poel; pool; pot; potspel; samendoen; samenleggen; toto; verenigen; zich verenigen; zwembassin
swimming duizeling; zwemmen; zwemmend