Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord lily

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 I stopped and turned to look, and she stood there, pale as a lily.
arum lily
(cuckoo‐pint; jack‐in‐the‐pulpit; lords‐and‐ladies; Adam and Eve; adder’s root; arum; wild arum; bobbins; cows and bulls; cuckoo‐plant; devils and angels; friar’s cowl; naked boys; snake’s head; starch‐root; wake‐robin)
arum lily
belladonna lily
belladonna lily
(amaryllis; naked lady)
ditch lily
(orange day‐lily; tawny day‐lily; tiger day‐lily; fulvous day‐lily)
fire lily
(orange lily; tiger lily)
; ; ;
goldband lily
(golden‐rayed lily; mountain lily)
Lent lily
(wild daffodil)
leper lily
(snake’s head fritillary; snake’s head; fritillary)
wilde kievietsbloem
wilde kievitsbloem
lily leek
(golden garlic; lilly leek; moly)
Loddon lily
(summer snowflake)
Madonna lily
(madonna lily)
witte lelie
martagon lily
(martagon; Turk’s‐cap lily)
Turkse lelie
orange lily
(fire lily; tiger lily)
; ; ;
outhouse lily
(orange day‐lily; tawny day‐lily; tiger day‐lily; fulvous day‐lily)
pink lilly leek
roze sierui
Pinkster lily
(poet’s narcissus; poet’s daffodil)
witte narcis
sacred blue lily
(blue Egyptian lotus; blue waterlily; blue Egyptian waterlily)
Egyptische waterlelie
Saint Bernard’s lily
Saint Bernard’s lily
lilia anteriko
Solomon’s lily
(black calla)
Palestijnse aronskelk
sword lily
tiger lily
(orange lily; fire lily)
; ; ;
torch lily
(red‐hot poker; tritoma)
Turk’s‐cap lily
(martagon lily; martagon)
Turkse lelie
wash‐house lily
(orange day‐lily; tawny day‐lily; tiger day‐lily; fulvous day‐lily)
(yulan; yulan magnolia)
Oosterse magnolia
(yellow waterlily)

lily lelie
arum lily aronskelk; gevlekte aronskelk
as white as a lily lelieblank
belladonna lily amaryllis
ditch lily bruine daglelie
Egyptian blue lily Egyptische waterlelie
false lily‐of‐the‐valley Canadees dalkruid
fire lily boerenlelie; oranjelelie; roggelelie; vuurlelie
gild the lily het mooier maken dan nodig is
goldband lily goudlelie
Lent lily trompetnarcis
leper lily kievietsbloem; kievitsbloem; wilde kievietsbloem; wilde kievitsbloem
lily bulb leliebol
lily leek goudlook
Loddon lily zomerklokje
Madonna lily madonnalelie; witte lelie
martagon lily Turkse lelie
orange lily boerenlelie; oranjelelie; roggelelie; vuurlelie
outhouse lily bruine daglelie
Pinkster lily dichtersnarcis; witte narcis
sacred blue lily Egyptische waterlelie; blauwe lotus
Saint Bernard’s lily graslelie
Solomon’s lily Palestijnse aronskelk
tiger lily boerenlelie; oranjelelie; roggelelie; tijgerlelie; vuurlelie
torch lily fakkellelie; vuurpijl
Turk’s‐cap lily Turkse lelie
wash‐house lily bruine daglelie
day‐lily daglelie
liliaceous lelieachtig
lily‐of‐the‐valley lelietje der dalen; lelietje‐van‐dalen; meiklokje
lily‐tree Oosterse magnolia
lily‐white lelieblank; leliewit
may‐lily dalkruid
waterlily plomp; waterlelie