Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord grape

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Canada and Mexico have already announced retaliatory tariffs on US aluminum and steel, beef, pork, coffee products, plywood, candy, cheeses, apples, grapes and other goods.
African grape
(Cape grape; evergreen grape)
Kaapse wingerd
kaba ciso
Armenian grape hyacinth
(garden grape hyacinth)
langbladige druifhyacint
armena muskario
broad‐leaved grape hyacinth
Cape grape
(evergreen grape; African grape)
Kaapse wingerd
kaba ciso
evergreen grape
(Cape grape; African grape)
Kaapse wingerd
kaba ciso
garden grape hyacinth
(Armenian grape hyacinth)
langbladige druifhyacint
armena muskario
grape culture
grape hyacinth
grape ivy
(Boston ivy; Japanese ivy; Japanese creeper)
Oosterse wilde wingerd
Oosterse wingerd
tripinta partenociso
grape juice
grape woodbine
(thicket creeper; false Virginia creeper)
valse wingerd
kangaroo grape
(kangaroo tree‐vine; water vine; kangaroo treebine)
suda ciso
Oregon grape

grape druif; schroot
African grape Kaapse wingerd
Armenian grape hyacinth langbladige druifhyacint
broad‐leaved grape hyacinth breedbladige druifhyacint
Cape grape Kaapse wingerd
evergreen grape Kaapse wingerd
garden grape hyacinth langbladige druifhyacint
grape culture druivenkwekerij
grape hyacinth druifhyacint
grape ivy Japanse wilde wingerd; Oosterse wilde wingerd; Oosterse wingerd
grape jam druivenjam
grape juice druivesap
grape woodbine valse wilde wingerd
hot‐house grapes kasdruiven
kangaroo grape kamerwingerd; kangoeroewingerd
Oregon grape mahonie
sour grapes gekrenktheid; wraakzucht
sour grapes! dat is de kift!
the grapes are sour de druiven zijn zuur
grape‐gatherer druivenplukker
grape‐harvest druivenoogst
grapery druivenkas; druivenkwekerij
grape‐shot schroot
grape‐stone druivepit
grape‐sugar druivesuiker
grapevine fluisterkrant; geruchtencircuit; roddelcircuit; wijnstok
grapy druifachtig; druiven‐