Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord film

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(motion picture; movie);
🔗 Perhaps the reason why many Republicans are watching their words when it comes to the president is they have seen this film before.
🔗 Initially, our expeditions were organized jointly by BBC Television and the London Zoo and our aim was not only to film animals but to catch some them.
film fragment
(movie fragment)
film maker
film maker
film strip

film film; filmen; huidje; rolprent; speelfilm; velletje; verfilmen; vlies; waas
actuality film documentaire
advertising film reclamefilm
cling film huishoudfolie; krimpfolie
colour film kleurenfilm
cowboy film cowboyfilm
film actor filmacteur
film actress filmactrice
film camera filmcamera; filmtoestel
film censorship filmkeuring
film distribution filmverhuur
film distributor filmverhuurder
film fragment filmfragment
film in colour kleurenfilm
film industry filmindustrie
film library filmotheek
film maker cineast; filmer
film producer filmproducent
film projector filmprojector
film script filmscript; fimscenario
film show bioscoopvoorstelling
film star filmster
film studio filmstudio
film technique filmkunst
horror film griezelfilm; horrorfilm
instructional film instructiefilm
miniature film kleinbeeldfilm
publicity film reclamefilm
roll film rolfilm
sex film seksfilm
slapstick film gooi‐en‐smijtfilm
sub‐standard film smalfilm
supporting film bijfilm; voorfilm
talking film sprekende film
cine‐film smalfilm
filmy beslagen; doorzichtig; dun; ragfijn; vliesachtig; vliezig; wazig
microfilm microfilm; microfilmen
sound‐film geluidsfilm