Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord army camp

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 He does not say that there is also a fair amount of evidence that the police and the army are among the biggest facilitators of the drug trade, sometimes in competition with one another.
🔗 He will indeed, if the armies are under his command.
(host); ;
(be encamped; camp out; lie encamped);
🔗 Hundreds of protesters have been camping outside a French military base in Niger’s capital Niamey for the past six days to demand the troops’ departure, the latest sign of swelling anti‐French sentiment among supporters of a military coup in July.
groep barakken
verzameling barakken
(camping ground; camping‐site; campground)
(camp of tents; tented camp; encampment);
(party; faction; side)

army camp legerkamp
army heer; heerleger; heerschaar; leger; legeronderdeel; legerscharen; menigte; schaar; troepenmacht
camp geaffecteerd; kamp; kampement; kamperen; kitsch; kitscherig; legerplaats; légeren; nichterig; theatraal; verwijfd; zich legeren