Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord Roman

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Mediaeval Roman politics were anything but stable.
🔗 Irish pirates invaded Anglesey following the end of Roman rule in Britannia.
🔗 Beside the gleaming splendour of the Roman, the quiet garb of this man seemed drab, almost somber.
🔗 They were mainly Roman Catholic and were used as a buffer zone between the Republic and the Southern Netherlands.
🔗 The Roman Empire included the greater part of Europe.
Roman snail
(Burgundy snail; edible snail)
Roman wormwood
(common ragweed)
🔗 After the barbarians had swept down on Rome, and the great empire had fallen apart, Latin learning lingered in the monasteries, and was the chief subject taught in schools.

Roman Romein; Romeins; rooms
Roman Catholic rooms; rooms‐katholiek
Roman Catholicism katholicisme
Roman law Romeins recht
Roman nettle kogeltjesbrandnetel
Roman wormwood alsemambrosia
when in Rome, do as the Romans do <schik u naar de gebruiken van het land>
Romanesque Romaans; in Romaanse stijl
Rome Rome