Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord Western

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 The Russian government will on Thursday discuss giving subsidies to airlines and airports to help them cope with the economic damage caused by Western sanctions, Interfax news agency said.
🔗 Russian officials have reported deadly attacks in at least four locations in western Russia’s Belgorod region
(West Australia)
🔗 A 16‐year‐old girl has died after being attacked by a shark while swimming in a river in Western Australia.
🔗 That may be exactly what Putin expected when he made patently unreasonable demands of the West, in exchange for not attacking a neighbour yet again.
(westward; westwards; to the west)
🔗 Earlier, a hospital train run by the medical charity Doctors Without Borders evacuated 48 wounded patients to Lviv in the west.

Western Westers
western westelik
western jackdaw kerkkraai
western marsh harrier Europese vleivalk
southwestern suidwestelik
West Weste
west die weste; na die weste; wes; westelik; weste‐; wes‐