Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord eer

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto

eer before; credit; hold in reverence; honour; kudos; merit; praise; rather; reputation; repute; respect; revere
die laaste eer bewys aan pay the last tribute to
dit strek hom tot eer it does him honour
eer aandoen do justice
eer betoon pay reverence
eer bewys do honour
eer bewys aan do homage to; pay homage to; render homage to; do honour to
iemand in sy eer aantas injure somebody’s honour
in alle eer en deug in all honesty
laatste eer funeral honours
legioen van eer legion of honour
militêre eer military honours
’n eer vir an honour to
op my woord van eer upon my faith; by my faith
’s lands wys, ’s lands eer when in Rome, do as the Romans do; do in Rome as the Romans do
sy eer stel in take pride in
sy naam eer aandoen do honour to one’s name; live up to one’s reputation
tot eer strek be a credit to; do credit to; reflect credit on
tot eer strek van redound to the credit of
eerbaar chaste; virtuous; honest; vestal
eerbetoon distinction; homage
eerbetuiging homage
eerbewys homage; honour
eerdief defamer
eergevoel honour; sense of honour
eergevoeligheid sensitiveness; touchiness
eerherstel rehabilitation; reparation
eerloos infamous
eerroof defamation; slander
eerrowend defamatory; slanderous
eerrower defamer; slanderer
eerrowing calumny; defamation; slander
eerrrowend libellous
eersaam honest; honourable; respectable
eersgenoemde first‐mentioned; former
eerskennis defamation
eervol creditable; reputable; honorary; honorific; honourable; honourably; with honour
ereamp honorary post
erebaantjie honorary post; sinecure
ereboog triumphal arch
ereburger freeman; honorary burger
eredame matron‐of‐honour
erediens church service; cult; public worship
eregas guest of honour
eregraad honorary degree
erekode code of honour
erekrans laurel wreath
erekruis cross of merit
erelid honorary member
erenaam name of honour
ere‐ooreenkoms gentleman’s agreement
erepalm palm of honour
ereplaas seat of honour
ereplek pride of place
erepos post of honour
ereraad court of honour
ererol roll of honour
eresabel sword of honour
eresekretaris honorary secretary
ereskuld debt of honour
eresuil obelisk
ereswaard presentation sword
ereteken decoration
eretitel honorific
erewag guard of honour
erewoord faith; word of honour
geëer reputable; respected
krygseer honours of war
nasie‐eer national honour
oneer discredit; dishonour; disparagement; disrepute; ignominy; obloquy; opprobrium; reproach
onteer blot; brand; defile; deflower; defame; dishonour; violate; force; infamize; prostitute; rape; ravish; ruin; shame
vereer admire; adore; dignify; revere; reverence; grace; honour; idolize; venerate; worship