Angla–Esperanta vortaro

Esperanta traduko de la angla vorto hunger‐strike

angla → esperanto
🔗 The United States and European Union have also condemned Russian authorities’ treatment of Navalʹnyj, who has been on hunger‐strike since March 31.
🔗 The terrain offered few obstacles to an experienced mountain climber, and he even forgot his hunger in the thrill of expectancy with which he anticipated the possibilities hidden by the ridge whose summit now lay but a short distance ahead of him.
(be hungry; feel hungry)
(beat; hit; wallop; jab; belabour; belt)
🔗 It was like striking a tree.
(bore; broach; sink; tap)
(hit; smack; stub; poke)
🔗 Workers for this government department will strike from December 23–26, and again from December 28–31.
🔗 Two friends of hers were planning to travel to the UK for a short break—one from Ireland, one from Belgium—but decided against it, because of the strikes.
(catch; hit; attain; encounter; find; run up against; befall; betide; ravage)
(percuss; tap)
(assume; espouse; accept)
(aggressive; offensive)
(access; attack; assault; offensive; fit; raid; onslaught)
🔗 The Ukrainian military has carried out what appears to have been their deepest strike yet into Russian‐occupied regions of the country.
(blow; hit; whack; stroke; jab; lash)
(knock; blow; hit; smack; stroke; poke)
(sound; resound)
(find; locate; spot)
(burn; sear)
frapi la okulojn
trafe bati
🔗 The issue of when to table the motion of no confidence was the subject of a lengthy discussion at Tuesday’s shadow cabinet meeting, with Mr. Watson leading calls for the party to strike before Christmas.
🔗 One source said the two sides were too far apart for a deal to be struck last night.
🔗 Three of the bullets struck Steenkamp, who died soon after