Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word ortiga

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
ortiga blanca
(lamio; lamio blanco; leucada; ortiga muerta; ortiga muerta blanca)
white dead‐nettle
white nettle
ortiga blanca
(cáñamo bastardo; galeópside; hierba benjamina; ortigón)
common hemp‐nettle
brittlestem hemp‐nettle
ortiga de zorro
(ortiga hedionda; ortiga muerta hedionda)
hedge woundwort
ortiga hedionda
(ortiga muerta hedionda)
hedge woundwort
ortiga mansa
(conejito; conejitos; zapatitos)
henbit dead‐nettle
common henbit
greater henbit
tigampleksa lamio
ortiga mayor
(ortiga verde)
common nettle
dioika urtiko
ortiga menor
(achume; forniquilla; hierba del ciego; pica manos; picamoscas; picasarna; ronchona)
annual nettle
dwarf nettle
small nettle
dog nettle
burning nettle
malgranda urtiko
ortiga muerta
ortiga muerta
(lamio; lamio blanco; leucada; ortiga blanca; ortiga muerta blanca)
white dead‐nettle
white nettle
ortiga muerta
(ortiga hedionda; ortiga muerta hedionda)
hedge woundwort
ortiga muerta blanca
(lamio; lamio blanco; leucada; ortiga blanca; ortiga muerta)
white dead‐nettle
white nettle
ortiga muerta hedionda
(ortiga hedionda)
hedge woundwort
ortiga muerta menor
(conejito; conejitos; ortiga mansa; zapatitos)
henbit dead‐nettle
common henbit
greater henbit
tigampleksa lamio
ortiga roja
(lamio púrpura)
red dead‐nettle
purple dead‐nettle
purple archangel
purpura lamio
ortiga verde
(ortiga mayor)
common nettle
dioika urtiko

ortiga nettle; stinging‐nettle
ortiga blanca white nettle; white dead‐nettle; common hemp‐nettle; brittlestem hemp‐nettle
ortiga de zorro whitespot; hedge woundwort; hedge‐nettle
ortiga hedionda whitespot; hedge woundwort; hedge‐nettle
ortiga mansa common henbit; greater henbit; henbit dead‐nettle
ortiga mayor common nettle; stinging‐nettle
ortiga menor annual nettle; dwarf nettle; small nettle; dog nettle; burning nettle
ortiga muerta dead‐nettle; white nettle; white dead‐nettle; hedge‐nettle; hedge woundwort; whitespot
ortiga muerta blanca white nettle; white dead‐nettle
ortiga muerta hedionda hedge‐nettle; hedge woundwort; whitespot
ortiga muerta menor common henbit; greater henbit; henbit dead‐nettle
ortiga roja purple archangel; purple dead‐nettle; red dead‐nettle
ortiga verde common nettle; stinging‐nettle