French–English dictionary

English translation of the French word colombe

French → English
FrenchEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
colombe à bandeau grenat
(colombe à bec jaune)
croaking ground dove
flavbeka grundokolombo
colombe à bec jaune
(colombe à bandeau grenat)
croaking ground dove
flavbeka grundokolombo
colombe à cou bronzé
(pigeon à masque blanc)
cinnamon dove
colombe à poitrine pourpre
(colombe mondétour)
maroon‐chested ground dove
grenatbrusta grundkolombo
colombe à queue noire
(colombe moineau)
common ground dove
colombe aux yeux bleus
blue‐eyed ground dove
colombe bleutée
(colombe cendrée)
blue ground dove
blua grundokolombo
colombe cendrée
(colombe bleutée)
blue ground dove
blua grundokolombo
colombe de Buckley
Ecuadorian ground dove
ekvadora grundokolombo
colombe de Geoffroy
purple‐winged ground dove
purpurflugila grundokolombo
colombe inca
Inca dove
inkaa kolombo
colombe moineau
(colombe à queue noire)
common ground dove
colombe mondétour
(colombe à poitrine pourpre)
maroon‐chested ground dove
grenatbrusta grundkolombo
colombe pygmée
plain‐breasted ground dove
nana grundokolombo
colombe turvert
(colombine turvert)
common emerald dove
green dove
green‐winged pigeon
smeralda kolombo
colombe voyageuse
(pigeon migrateur; tourte voyageuse)
migra kolombo

colombe à bandeau grenat croaking ground dove
colombe à bec jaune croaking ground dove
colombe à cou bronzé cinnamon dove; lemon‐dove
colombe à poitrine pourpre maroon‐chested ground dove
colombe à queue noire common ground dove
colombe aux yeux bleus blue‐eyed ground dove
colombe bleutée blue ground dove
colombe cendrée blue ground dove
colombe de Buckley Ecuadorian ground dove
colombe de Geoffroy purple‐winged ground dove
colombe inca Inca dove
colombe moineau common ground dove
colombe mondétour maroon‐chested ground dove
colombe pygmée plain‐breasted ground dove
colombe turvert common emerald dove; green dove; green‐winged pigeon
colombe voyageuse passenger pigeon; wild pigeon