English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word western

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
western arbor‐vitae
(giant arbor‐vitae; giant cedar; Pacific red cedar; shinglewood; western red cedar)
árbol de la vida gigante
tuya gigante
(capercaillie; Eurasian capercaille; wood grouse; heather cock; cock of the woods; cock of the wood); ;
western hemlock
(western hemlock‐spruce)
tsuga del Pacífico
tsuga heterófila
western hemlock‐spruce
(western hemlock)
tsuga del Pacífico
tsuga heterófila
western jackdaw
(daw; jackdaw; Eurasian jackdaw; European jackdaw; jack; chough)
grajilla occidental
western marsh harrier
(Eurasian marsh harrier)
aguilucho lagunero occidental
Western touch‐me‐not
(touch‐me‐not balsam; touch‐me‐not; yellow balsam; jewelweed; wild balsam)
balsamina de los bosques
hierba de las moscas
hierba de Santa Catalina
flava balzamino
western white fir
(grand fir; giant fir; lowland white fir; great silver fir; Vancouver fir)
; ;
western white pine
(silver pine; California mountain pine)
pino blanco occidental
western yellow pine
(ponderosa pine; bull pine; blackjack pine)
pino ponderosa
pino ponderoso
pino real americano

western occidental; película del Oeste
western arbor‐vitae tuya gigante; árbol de la vida gigante
western capercaille urogallo; urogallo común; urogallo occidental
western hemlock tsuga de Alberta; tsuga del Pacífico; tsuga heterófila
western hemlock‐spruce tsuga de Alberta; tsuga del Pacífico; tsuga heterófila
western jackdaw grajilla; grajilla occidental
western marsh harrier aguilucho lagunero occidental
Western touch‐me‐not balsamina de los bosques; hierba de Santa Catalina; hierba de las moscas; nometoques
western white fir abeto de Vancouver; abeto gigante; abeto grande
western white pine pino blanco occidental
western yellow pine pino ponderosa; pino ponderoso; pino real americano
west al oeste; del oeste; hacia el oeste; occidental; oeste