English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word untoward

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(bleak; dismal; dreary; horrible; nasty; distasteful; unpleasant; disagreeable)
🔗 Tam clucked Bela into motion once more, and they resumed their journey, the older man striding along as if nothing untoward had happened and nothing untoward could.
(towards; for; to; at)
🔗 It was coming toward us.
(about; around)
en torno a
en torno de
alrededor de
🔗 Toward evening, when Dorothy was tired with her long walk and began to wonder where she should pass the night, she came to a house rather larger than the rest.
(about; concerning; for; of; over; regarding; after; on; with; upon; in; as to; into)
acerca de
en cuanto a
por lo tocante a
respecto de
🔗 In addition to differences over Western Sahara, Algeria and Morocco diverge in their position towards Israel.

untoward desfavorable; indecoroso
toward hacia; para con; cerca de; a eso de