English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word question

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(issue; query; inquiry)
🔗 Turjan put his question.
(challenge; contest; dispute; protest; controvert)
🔗 There is no evidence linking these incidents to either the palace or the military government, but they are being seen by dissidents in Thailand as a warning not to question the status of the monarchy.
(challenge; defy; affront)
(ask; inquire; demand)
🔗 “Who are you?” he questioned.
(concerned; relevant; applicable)
en cuestión
🔗 If there’s a building you’re receiving fire from within the urban environment, you aim at that building from up to 80 km (50 miles) away, and within a few minutes of receiving fire you land a rocket on the building in question.

question asunto; cuestión; cuestionar; interrogar; pregunta; proposición
beside the question que no viene al caso
beyond question fuera de duda
burning question cuestión palpitante
call in question poner en duda
leading question pregunta tendenciosa
out of the question imposible; indiscutible
pop the question hacer una declaración de amor
question mark punto interrogante; signo de interrogación
without question sin duda
catch‐question pega
questionable cuestionable