English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word meat

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 I don’t buy meat anymore.
minced meat
carne picada
salted meat
(salt meat)
carne salada
peklita viando
salt meat
(salted meat)
carne salada
peklita viando
🔗 To put this into context, Britain relies on imports for 22% of its beef, 21% of its sheep meat and 49% of its pork, with the EU supplying the bulk of those needs.
whale meat
barba de ballena

meat carne; manjar; meollo; vianda
cold meat carne fiambre
dark meat carne del ave que no es la pechuga
meat grinder picador
meat market carnicería
white meat carne de la pechuga del ave; pechuga
horsemeat carne de caballo
meat‐ball albóndiga
meat‐hook garabato de carnicero
meaty carnoso; jugoso; substancioso
mincemeat cuajado; picadillo