English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word gas

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 CC3 is much more selective in trapping these gases compared to other experimental materials.
(petrol; motor spirit; benzine)
🔗 The cost of groceries and gas have forced her to cut back.
🔗 The US and the Ukraine are against it, fearing that Russia could use gas as a weapon to pressure Europe into submission.
gas cylinder
(gas cannister)
botella de gas
(filling station; petrol station)
estación gasolinera
🔗 This time, as citizens find themselves queuing for days at the gas stations, many are sttarting to fear there simply is not enough oil for all.
greenhouse gas
gas de efecto invernadero
natural gas
gas natural
contador de gas
(petrol; motor spirit; benzine)
🔗 Her sister Ymara, 40, describes the fuel as “the most expensive gasoline we ever bought” because of the three days of lost work and life that she has spent waiting in line.
(petrol tank)
depósito de gasolina

gas abastecer de gas; abastecer de gasolina; antigás; bencina; charlar; despedir gas; gas; gasear; gasolina; nafta; palabrería
gas generator gasógeno
gas heating calefacción por gas
gas mask careta antigás
gas producer gasógeno
gas station estación gasolinera
greenhouse gas gas de efecto invernadero
illuminating gas gas de alumbrado
mustard gas mostaza
tear gas gas lacrimógeno
gas‐bag charlatán; cámara de gas
gas‐burner mechero de gas
gas‐engine motor a gas
gas‐fitter gasista
gas‐holder gasómetro
gasify gasificar; gasificarse
gas‐jet mechero de gas; llama de gas
gaslight luz de gas
gas‐main cañería de gas
gas‐meter contador de gas
gasoline gasolina; nafta; bencina
gas‐range cocina a gas
gas‐stove cocina a gas
gas‐tank depósito de gasolina; gasómetro
gasworks fábrica de gas
laughing‐gas gas hilarante