English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word attention

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(advertence; advertency; heed)
🔗 An inspector should never allow his attention to be distracted.
call attention to
(remark; observe; note)
hacer notar
(pay attention to; heed; watch out; mind; be attentive; be attentive to; take notice of)
atender a
estar atento
tener cuidado
🔗 Pay attention, men.
(pay attention; heed; watch out; mind; be attentive; be attentive to; take notice of)
🔗 But you may not have paid much attention to the chaos gripping Venezuela.

attention agasajo; ánimo; atención
attract attention llamar la atención
call attention to hacer presente
pay attention to hacer caso de; atender